Liangjing Yang’s group of ZJU-UIUC Institute is recruiting o

时间: 2018-04-13来源: 浙江大学作者: ZBG

浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院Liangjing Yang课题组现招聘博士后1名,研究范围包括机器人学与计算机视觉。主要涉及生物医学与医疗相关的应用,具体如下:

1. 显微镜下机械视觉引导系统;

2. 外科手术机器人;

3. 微创手术导航技术。

The main research area is on projects related to Robotics and Computer Vision focusing on biomedical applications. Specific areas are:

1. Vision-Guided Micromanipulation

2. Surgical Robotics

3. Surgical Navigation for Minimally Invasive Procedures


1. 需具有(或即将获得)相关领域的博士学位。

2. 鼓励有机器人学、计算机视觉或图像处理等相关专业背景者应聘。


1. 薪酬根据候选者经历,特别优秀者待遇面谈。

2. 有机会在浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院工作。


1. 个人简历(学习-工作经历、科研工作情况等)。

2. 代表性的科研成果材料(如论文、获奖等)。

3. 个人研究兴趣及受聘后的工作设想和目标 (不超过两页) 。


有意向者请将材料电邮发送至杨量景助理教授 主题注明“Postdoc Application+教育科研人才网(”

I) Requirement

1. Candidates should have (/about to receive) a Doctorate Degree in the relevant field

2. Candidates with background in robotics, computer vision or image processing are encouraged to apply

II)Benefits and Remuneration 

1. Competitive package according to candidate’s qualification; attractive benefits for outstanding candidates

2. Opportunity to work in the Zhejiang University/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute (the ZJU-UIUC Institute)

III) Application Material

1. CV (Education-Employment Experiences and Research Profile)

2. Representative Research Output (Academic Papers, Awards)

3. Research Statement and Vision (in less than 2 pages)

IV) Contact

Interested candidates please email your application materials to Assistant Professor Liangjing Yang, Zhejiang University/ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute: Specify subject heading as “Postdoc Application”. Only selected candidates will be notified.

