
时间: 2018-06-04来源: 教育科研人才网发布作者: admin

Postdoctoral opportunity in Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Pennsylvania

·     University of Pennsylvania

·     Location: Philadelphia, PA

·     Job Number: 7050687

·     Posting Date: Apr 6, 2018

·     Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

Job Description

A unique post-doctoral opportunity in cell biology, genetics and genomics to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of kidney homeostasis and disease in the laboratory of Dr. Katalin Susztak in the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Applicants with enthusiasm, original ideas and skills who would be able take advantage of the existing resources to answer impactful questions about kidney homeostasis and disease are strongly encouraged to apply. Current lab interests include; 1) mechanistic studies using gene editing (CRISP-Cas9) in model organisms and cellular systems 2) high trough-put genetic, genomic and epigenomic analysis of control and diseased human kidney samples (genotype, ChIP, RNAseq and WGBS data is available for ~1,000 sample), 3) single cell analysis of human and mouse kidney tissue samples Further information can be found at https://www.med.upenn.edu/susztaklab/

RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS: Park et al Science 2018, Beckerman et al. Nature Medicine 2017 Ko et al AJHG 2017, Kang et al. Nature Medicine 2015, Kang et al Cell Report 2016, Niranjan T. et al Nature Medicine 2008 

QUALIFICATIONS: Interested candidates should have Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree with strong background in Cell Biology . The applicant should have record of delivering high-quality research. Experience in computational biology and epigenetics and related topics are desirable. The candidate will be expected to be self-motivated and develop and run an independent research project and play an active and collaborative role in the laboratory environment. 

SALARY/BENEFITS: The position is fully supported by NIH and industry funds and successful candidates will be offered competitive stipend/salary commensurate with experience and accomplishments. Application for post-doctoral fellowships will be encouraged at later years. 

TO APPLY: Please email ksusztak@pennmedicine.upenn.edu and provide an updated C.V. or Biosketch and a short personal statement (1-2 paragraphs). References will be required. 


